Last night I tried to wear out the "little general" so he would sleep when I put him to bed. Joshua and I frolicked on the floor and "fighted." He is a typical boy and likes to wrestle and be physical. I was teaching the three-year-old how to box (as in punching someone). I know, some of you think that's terrible, but spare me your sanctimonialism - he's a boy! Joshua needs to know how to protect himself from your kids! Anyway, we were boxing and I accidentally cold-cuffed him and knocked him unconscious. Not really. I did, however, accidentally tap him on his rear side a little harder than play (unintentionally - don't call social services!) when he walked away. You should have seen the look on his face. He wasn't sure if the swat on his butt was a spanking or a play swat. He looked up at me with a tear in his eye to see what my reaction was. I laughed and said, "sorry - here, hit me back." When he saw that I thought it was funny and that I was playing he started to laugh and proceeded to lay into me with a flurry of playful punches. If I would have given him a stern look he would have started to cry, wondering what he did wrong. In that moment I thought about our relationship with God. Sometimes God plays rough.
I'm not sure how this plays into your theology, but I believe that there are times when God hits us with some things that aren't easy Like Joshua, at first we are not sure why God allowed that "hurt" in our lives and we look to Him with bewilderment. It is in those times, however, that God smiles down on us and says, "I'm just teaching you something to make you strong. Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I just want to prepare you for what's coming so you can win every battle." Then He affirms us and we feel security in His strength. This is part of the message of Psalm 94:19. One translation reads, "In the middle of my troubles, you roll me over with rollicking delight." We may not always be able to discern the truth of what God is doing in our lives, but continue to look to Him and you will see His smiling face and know that Daddy will protect you, and everything is going to be alright.