Thursday, February 10, 2011


People come to me all the time with critical remarks about Facebook. Most of them are stories of marriages and families that are torn apart from inappropriate liaison's with the opposite sex. The truth is - I LOVE FACEBOOK. I find social networking to be a great tool for ministry and communication with friends, family and church. There are, however, inherent dangers in social media. Accordingly, I would like to propose a list of rules for Facebook that I think all of us would do well to follow. These rules can save us all a lot of headache and heartache. Here we go...
(spiritual etiquette for social media)

1. KEEP IT LEFT-BRAINED. As much as possible, keep your emotions off the web and focus on the facts - just the facts.

2. NO REGRETS. There are two important rules to remember here: 1. Don't say anything you can't take back. 2. You can't take back anything you say. Everything you say in social media can (and will) be used against you (even in a court of law).

3. NO-NAME. Please don't use other peoples names without permission. Better yet, don't use other peoples names at all. And never post individual pictures of other people without their permission.

4. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. Don't use Facebook to exploit your "fiends" for money. Sending continual advertisements and promotions for your business or other money-making schemes will soon get you de-friended.

5. I HAVE NO OPINION. Someone once said, "Opinions are like noses: everyone has one and they all small." Leave your opinions to yourself!

6. KEEP IT CLEAN. Stay clear of all sexual innuendos, corrupt communication, slander, and foul (or crude) language. Read Ephesians 4:29

7. PROTECT YOURSELF. Be very selective when putting personal information online, especially your birth date, address, telephone number and email. All of the information you put on your Facebook profile WILL BE STOLEN. Never click on advertising. When you do, you open yourself up to viruses and you will also find your email account flooded with unwanted spam. Never add people you don't know as your Facebook "friend." Think first before you type personal life information. For example, never write things like this: "Leaving for vacation today," or "I'm home all by myself today." If you do, you are inviting thieves and sexual predators to your home. And last bu not least, be very careful about posting children's pictures online. You would be amazed at just how many sick, perverted people are "seeking whom they may devour."

If you will follow these simple guidelines it will make your Facebook experience safer and more enjoyable.

You're welcome!